
G. Walter Canonica


Professor G. Walter Canonica is director of the Personalized Medicine Center: Asthma and Allergies at Humanitas Research Hospital in Milan (Italy).

He has been Director of the Allergy & Respiratory Diseases Clinic, Genoa University -Italy a Galen Centre of Excellence (1997-2016)
Since 1995 he is full Professor of Allergy and Respiratory Diseases, Dept of Int Medicine, Genoa University

Professor Canonica’s research interests include examination of the molecular events and interactions between immunocompetent cells, inflammatory cells and epithelial cells in allergic inflammation and airway remodeling.

He has been President of the World Allergy Association (2007-2009) and of the Italian Association for Allergology, Asthma and Immunology (2014-2017).
He personally published more than 230 scientific works on the most relevant and influent specialized journals.